Z czego tworzy się biżuterię dla alergików? - Anuszka Biżuteria

What is jewelry for allergy sufferers made of?

Allergy to nickel used in cheaper jewelry is quite a common problem. It manifests itself with redness, itching and even suppuration. However, people allergic to nickel do not have to give up wearing jewelry. There are a number of materials on the market that are completely safe for allergy sufferers. Get to know examples of this type of raw materials.

What metals cause allergies?

Allergy sufferers may have a serious problem with wearing jewelry made of metals with high content of nickel, chromium, cobalt, palladium and titanium. Precious raw materials of low purity are also dangerous, which means a large addition of other metals - usually those causing allergies. People with nickel allergies should also be careful with tombak, a cheap imitation of gold.

What are the symptoms of nickel allergy?

Wearing lower-quality jewelry with the addition of nickel may lead to the appearance of itchy lumps, redness and even blisters. This type of decorations have direct contact with the skin. In some people, allergies may develop over time, e.g. as a result of wearing jewelry every day. The way to deal with this problem is to replace the decorations with those made of metals safe for allergy sufferers.

What jewelry is safe for allergy sufferers?

However, allergy sufferers do not have to give up wearing jewelry, even on a daily basis. The safest are, among others: products made of real gold or silver of high purity. However, such metals are quite expensive. If you prefer cheap jewelry that retains its appearance for a long time and is safe for allergy sufferers, choose surgical steel .

Surgical steel has anti-allergic and antibacterial properties. It does not require maintenance to maintain its aesthetic appearance for a long time. Earrings , necklaces and bracelets made of surgical steel cost no more than several dozen zlotys. In our store you can find entire sets of such products that look impressive, are anti-allergic and will work great, for example, as a gift idea.

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