Najlepsze ozdoby dla alergików - Anuszka Biżuteria

The best decorations for allergy sufferers

People prone to allergies often cannot afford to use any jewelry. Many earrings, bracelets and necklaces contain nickel, which may cause allergies. Fortunately, there are metals that work great even for allergy sufferers. What is such jewelry made of and where can it be found? Jewelry for allergy sufferers made of surgical steel

One of the cheapest raw materials recommended for allergy sufferers is surgical steel. This metal contains small amounts of nickel, which is responsible for allergy symptoms, but does not cause rashes, blisters or other skin problems. All because of the specific way of producing this raw material. Surgical steel is used both for allergy sufferers and for fresh piercings. You can find jewelry made of this metal, among others: in our store.

Bracelets , necklaces and earrings made of surgical steel have another advantage. They can maintain their aesthetic appearance for years. They do not darken, as is the case with silver.

Gold and silver earrings for allergy sufferers

Materials that are safe for most allergy sufferers also include gold and silver. However, jewelry made from these raw materials is quite expensive. Just a few dozen years ago, silver earrings, bracelets and necklaces contained admixtures of nitrate of this element, which is why they could cause allergies. Currently, jewelry is produced in such a way that it is completely safe for human skin.

What jewelry should allergy sufferers avoid?

Allergy sufferers should especially avoid decorations made of nickel and chrome. These elements are by far the most common causes of allergy. Old silver jewelry that contains silver nitrate may also be problematic. If you know that you have a tendency to develop allergies, make sure that the decorations you wear do not contain the listed elements and compounds. Often, changing jewelry to another one can help you avoid troublesome ailments and enjoy beautiful decorations again.

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